Mentor: Dr. Jorge Plutzky
I am a postdoctoral research fellow in Dr. Jorge Plutzky’s lab in the Cardiovascular Division of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
Since my master’s study in Brazil at the national research institute FIOCRUZ (2017), I have focused my interests on cardiovascular research. For my PhD, I was selected to participate in a European research and innovation program, INTRICARE — an international network for training in risk of vascular calcification funded by the Marie Curie scholarship. In 2022 I obtained a joint PhD degree from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, and Maastricht University, The Netherlands, with projects centered on the multi-omics discovery of novel molecular pathways in cardiovascular calcification.
Since September 2022, I have been working on our group’s interest in understanding how epigenetic mechanisms determine transcriptional programs in the vasculature, including the use of these responses to identify novel mediators and the impact of flow patterns in these responses.
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Epigenetic regulations
- Vascular biology