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The award recognizes an established investigator in the prime of his or her career who has made an outstanding contribution to furthering understanding of the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and/or the development of treatment strategies for its prevention through basic science and clinical research efforts. The award honors the memory of Jeffrey M. Hoeg, MD, an extraordinary research scientist and physician who, in the prime of his career, was working in the field of lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis.

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The award was established in honor of Dr. Werner Risau, an investigator who formulated key concepts for the regulation of angiogenesis, challenged the prevailing dogmas about angiogenic factors, and proposed the now accepted hypothesis that several growth factors act sequentially to mediate vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, and vascular remodeling.

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Each year the BWH Cardiovascular Division honors three outstanding fellowship trainees for their contributions to Cardiovascular Basic Science – Thomas Smith Award, Clinical Science – Eugene Braunwald Award, and Physiology  – Richard Gorlin Award.

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Supports highly promising healthcare and academic professionals, in the early years of one’s first professional appointment, to explore innovative questions or pilot studies that will provide preliminary data and training necessary to assure the applicant’s future success as a research scientist.

The American Heart Association recognizes outstanding early career faculty with generous Career Development Awards designed to help launch their careers as they begin their faculty appointment.  The Cardiovascular Division is proud to announce the recipients of the AHA Career Development Award.

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The Alan Lerner Symposium showcases the breadth and depth of our research enterprise and facilitates our gathering new ideas to pursue for both bench and bedside research. Thank you again for your unwavering support of our young investigators.

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