Supports highly promising healthcare and academic professionals, in the early years of one’s first professional appointment, to explore innovative questions or pilot studies that will provide preliminary data and training necessary to assure the applicant’s future success as a research scientist.
The American Heart Association recognizes outstanding early career faculty with generous Career Development Awards designed to help launch their careers as they begin their faculty appointment. The Cardiovascular Division is proud to announce the recipients of the AHA Career Development Award.
Abhijeet Sonawane, PhD
Instructor in Medicine
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Unraveling Macrophage Heterogeneity using Single-cell Gene Regulatory Networks Approach
Mentors: Elena Aikawa, MD, PhD and Masanori Aikawa, MD, PhD
Brittany Weber, MD, PhD
Instructor in Medicine
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Advanced CV Imaging and Immunophenotyping to Study Coronary Vascular Health in Psoriasis
Mentor: Marcelo Di Carli, MD